Your industrial floor or simply a concrete floor in a residential space is the foundation of your business and convenience with reliability in a residential building, which must withstand constant loads and ensure the safety of you, your staff and equipment. At StatiCAL, we understand the importance of reliable and durable floor coverings and offer high-tech solutions for their restoration and reinforcement.

Concrete and reinforced concrete floors are subject to daily wear and tear, which can lead to various problems and damages.

Restoration and strengthening of industrial floors

Restoration and strengthening of industrial floors

Here are some common situations

Cracks and destruction

The appearance of visible cracks and destruction, which can cause emergency situations and equipment damage.

Subsidence of floors

Uneven or excessive settlement of floors, which can affect the stability of racks and machines.

Problems with plane and level

Visible problems with the plane of the floor, which can create difficulties for vehicles and mechanisms.

Damage to the coating

Wear or damage to the protective floor covering, which can lead to accelerated wear and corrosion of the reinforcement.

Moisture problems

Moisture penetration through the floor, which can cause problems with mold and corrosion.

Chemical damage

The appearance of stains, deformations or destruction from chemically active substances.

Uneven load

If the floor is subjected to uneven or excessive load, which can cause deformation and destruction of the structure.

Aesthetic problems

Darkening, stains or other aesthetic problems that can negatively affect the visual perception of space.

Unsatisfactory planning

Inefficient or outdated floor layouts that do not meet current operational needs.

Compliance with norms and standards

The need to modernize floors to meet industry standards and safety regulations.

Stati-Pile Spiral Micro Piles: A Revolutionary Approach to Floor Reinforcement

Spiral micro-piles are an innovative technology designed to strengthen and stabilize industrial floors that have undergone deformation, cracks or subsidence. This method not only restores the structural strength of your floor, but also significantly increases its load-bearing capacity, ensuring long-term stability even in the most difficult operating conditions.

Advantages of using spiral micro-piles

A quick and effective solution
Minimal impact on your day-to-day operations thanks to a quick installation process
Increased strength
Strengthening the floor structure to prevent future damage and extend its life
Saving resources
Avoid expensive and time-consuming procedures of completely replacing the floor by choosing a sustainable solution
Carrying out a thorough analysis of the condition of your floor to determine the optimal restoration strategy
Development of a detailed action plan tailored to the unique needs of your facility
Fast and high-quality performance of work using advanced technologies and materials
Quality control
Inspections and testing to ensure a high level of quality and durability of the result

At StatiCAL, we combine experience, technological innovation and commitment to quality to provide you with industrial floor reinforcement solutions that meet your business needs.

Contact us today to discuss your project and find out how we can help you create a strong and reliable foundation for your business and peace and comfort for your home!

Reinforcement of industrial floors for installation of equipment. Stati-Cal technologies

Our cooperation involves the following stages

Step - 1
First contact and consultation
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Step - 2
Visit of specialists, instrumental inspection of the facility
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Step - 3
Development and bilateral discussion of a solution
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Step - 4
Signing a service agreement
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Step - 5
Monitoring the condition of buildings after completion of work (if provided for in the contract)
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