Constantly faced with problems associated with cracks in walls, many building owners and engineers are wondering how to eliminate the causes of these damages and ensure the stability of the foundation and supporting structures. Our Stati-Cal experts provide effective and reliable solutions using stranded reinforcement and helical pile technology to prevent further damage and ensure the long-term stability of your building.
Stabilizing the foundation and stopping the subsidence of supporting structures

Why do problems arise with foundations and supporting structures?
One of the common causes of subsidence is loss of moisture from clay soils, which leads to shrinkage of the base. As a result, the foundation is deprived of the necessary support, which causes subsidence. This loss of moisture can occur due to evaporation during dry periods or moisture absorption by vegetation. And also due to frosts in winter, when water in the ground freezes and expands, creating uneven pressure from below.
The soil under the foundation can be washed away by water, which creates the effect of running water and erodes the foundation under the building's foundation. This is especially true for loose soils.
Foundations that are not deep enough are susceptible to seasonal moisture changes and their effects, which can cause problems.
Adding additional weight or loads to the soil can cause consolidation and long-term settlement. Different soils on the site can lead to uneven movement of structures.
If the load on the structure locally exceeds the bearing capacity of the soil or foundation, this causes a critical stress concentration, which leads to damage to the foundation.
Using Stati-Bar reinforcement methods in a project with Stati-Pile micropiles maximizes the synergistic effect, reducing the number of piles and installation time. This provides a cost-effective solution for stabilization and repair. Stati-Bar is used to create a notional beam to carry the load between piles, allowing for greater spacing between piles to ultimately reduce project cost and time. Stati-Cal engineers evaluate each situation individually and design a solution based on the damage and loads of the property, as well as local ground conditions. Fully trained in-house technical staff work quickly and professionally with a complex of systems.
Foundation and structural problems can be caused by a variety of factors, but Stati-Cal offers advanced solutions to ensure the stability and long-term reliability of your building. Avoid repeat problems, contact us and our specialists will help you restore the safety and stability of your property.
Our cooperation involves the following stages